Subject: SCRSTYLE: V3.0 WFW6 Screenplay T Author: Emmett Loverde Uploaded By: ECLoverde Date: 11/2/1994 File: SCRENSTY.ZIP (17202 bytes) Estimated Download Time (35079 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 2902 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, Word For Windows 6.0, Windows 3 Keywords: Loverde, MS Word, Winword, Play, Write, Document, Screenplay, Writers, Style, Windows, Win31 Type: Shareware Uploaded by the author . "ScreenStyle" is a Word For Windows 6.0 template created specifically for the needs of screenwriters. Version 3.0 includes several new convenient shortcuts. ScreenStyle conforms to the specifications outlined in "The Complete Guide to Standard Script Formats -- Part I: The Screenplay" written by Hillis Cole, Jr. and Judith H. Haag. These specifications include margins, tab settings, and capitalization requirements. Many automated features are included that make this a welcome alternative to dedicated screenwriting programs such as "Scriptor". ScreenStyle is a Word For Windows 6.0 template. Therefore, all of its features are available only under that version of the program. If compatibility with WinWord versions 1.0 or 2.0 is needed, contact the author at address "ECLoverde" and he will provide an appropriate copy of ScreenStyle. ScreenStyle has been compressed into a .ZIP file. Upon decompression, it should be placed into the "TEMPLATES" directory inside the "WINWORD" directory on the user's hard disk. The user may then choose "NEW" from the "FILE" menu and choose "SCRENSTY" from the dialogue box that appears. The instructions for using ScreenStyle will then appear. To run, open SCRENSTY.DOT (in Winword 6.x) Documentation: Within the Program Downloads for previous version: 792